Path To Publishing's

MBA in Publishing Student Orientation

If you are still on the fence about enrolling in Path To Publishing’s DIY MBA in Publishing Program, then click on the video above to watch the orientation video for a glimpse inside the program.

What: Path To Publishing DIY MBA in Publishing Program Orientation Video

Details: Main course instructor, Joylynn M. Ross, and a host of MBA in Publishing graduates, will provide a quick overview of the program. If you still have questions following orientation, be sure to email them to [email protected].

When: On Demand

Who: Students and Prospective Students

Taking care of business is a never-ending process. Completing the Path To Publishing MBA in Publishing assignments has been a fulfilling journey. Each assignment gives an aspiring writer or established author the proper polish it takes to make your publishing campaign and journey complete. The assignments in the program aren’t one and dones, but incite students to continue the course of literary excellence. Each assignment will be revisited and refined until you are the Pathfinder who creates a path for the next one to publish in excellence.

-Podgi Carter

Path To Publishing MBA in Publishing 2019 Graduate

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